Hi! My name is Jaimie Cooper. I am 13 years old and I have been knitting since I was eight. I have been selling my work since 2010. Right now I have three products to sell and two of them are really helpful in the kitchen! First, 8 x 8 dishcloths. You can get the dishcloths wet to wipe up messes and to wipe the counter and table. You can use them more than once before you have to wash them! Second, something called a Scrubby. The scrubbies are really good with washing the dishes! All you need to do is get it wet! You can use them more than once before you have to wash them. And third Bookmarks! These bright and colorful dishcloths, scrubbies, and bookmarks are much better than anything that you could buy at a store! For just $10 you can have your very own dishcloth (plus $2 for shipping)! For just $6 you can have your very own scrubby (plus $2 for shipping)! For just $5 you can have a set of three bookmarks for your very own! Or you can buy both a dishcloth and a scrubby together for $13 (3.00 shiping)! You may order any dishcloth, scrubby, or bookmark that you see on the blog in any color you wish!

Friday 8 April 2011

Company Dishcloth

This fun pattern is colorful and attractive!


  1. I have this dish cloth and have used it many times. It is still as pretty as the photo. Donna

  2. I gave a pair of blue butterfly dishcloths as Christmas gifts. They are lovely. I can't wait to get my scrubbies! Nonna
